Saturday, December 12, 2009

One year ago...

Hard to believe that it's already been one year since I had my mass-seizures and spent 5 days in the hospital. I can still remember every moment of that situation like it was just yesterday. So excited to have the "freedom" to hop in the car and take Talyn to school vs. the bus, run over to Safeway to pick up some groceries, etc, etc. The simple things that we take advantage of because it is so natural. Again, one of the many things that we have the ability to do, but don't realize how beneficial they are until we can't do it anymore.

As I've mentioned before, if we could only invest 5 minutes of time per day to realize how lucky we are to be alive, you would probably sit back and start to look at things a little differently. We have Christmas coming and are so excited to make that connection with family and friends, yet if we took a bit of time everyday to realize the exact same things, reality might change a little bit on the good side.

I know that I was taught as a young boy to be thankful for the life that I have and to enjoy things as the time goes by, yet the amount of pressure that exists with respect to school, sports, etc. that it was so easy to forget about the benefits of living in the first place.

By far one of the biggest mistakes that I made was approximately in June, 2008 when I was heading to a conference that I had paid for to upgrade my licensing for investment consulting. Tash gave me a call that she wasn't feeling well and that I would have to take Talyn to day care for her. I was so mad about this (and not mad at Tash) that I remember thinking that the pressure that I'm applying to myself to prove myself to others that I could do it, I told my tumour that if it was going to come back due to everything that was going on, I didn't give a crap b/c proving myself to others was far more important than taking care of myself. If we looked up the definition of IDIOCY in the dictionary, there would be a picture of me.

Please try to avoid these kinds of situations as best as possible. Don't pull a "Ryan".

Over and out.

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